2009 Shannons Melbourne Winter Classic Auction

Number Plates - Tasmanian Prestige Plates '905'





This lot is no longer available

Representation only image.

TasPlates Terms and Conditions

The purchaser/owner has the right to display the plate in perpetuity or to transfer ownership and to sell the plate to another party at any time. There are no annual fees.

TasPlates can only be fixed to Tasmanian registered motor vehicles, but do not have to be on a vehicle (i.e. they can be stored, displayed in the home, etc.).

Purchasers from interstate can buy TasPlates, they do not have to be residents of Tasmania.

However, interstate purchasers will be required to supply 100pt ID reference to qualify for a customer reference number from Tasmanian Registration & Licensing prior to taking ownership of any TasPlates personalised plates.