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Published on 07 December 2021

Another couple of lesser known 1981 debutantes, Retro – the Triumph Acclaim and the reworked Volga M24 GAZ-3102 to give its full title. The Acclaim was the first in the BL Cars and Honda fraternisation. Built at the old Morris plant at Cowley, this was substantially a Honda Civic, 70% made by Honda, with British body pressings. Apparently the plant was highly automated after £70 million of the British tax-payers’ money had been spent. The last new car to wear the Triumph name-plate, and dare-I-say-it, but probably the best built. The Volga was rather like the Fiat 132/Argenta in that it was given a complete revamp after being around for about 10 years. Enough have survived in their own home country to become collectable by a couple of generations of Russians who missed out on owning any sort of car at all. Rugged enough to have weathered extremes of temperatures and the use by the KGB, they have outlasted many Western marques imported since 1989…….