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Published on 01 August 2017

I had been saving this lot for a future Retroautos but decided that this discussion is exactly where it should be. Here's a line up of Daewoos that went from looking great to plain ugly during a 15 year time span. The White Royale from 1978 is a simple copy of the GM V-Car. Then we move to a face lifted version, in gray. Still looking ok , but the blunt front end is a predictor of the future. Then comes the Brougham. Man, is this a mash up of poor styling and poor naming. Check out the fake Merc grille! And finally, for 1989, the grandly named Imperial. Yes, this is a V-Car in disguise. It appears have every 1970/80s styling idea grafted onto its flanks.. Its squared off rear end looks like it came from an early 1980s Chevrolet Celebrity, with a mix of 1989 Dodge Dynasty/Chrysler Imperial thrown in for good measure. The front end channels the 1985 Hyundai Sonata. I wonder how many Imperials survive today. I reckon they will be a great classic of the future, if only because they are so stylistically challenged. Assuming some still exist?