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Published on 28 November 2023

Sturt Griffith also tested the Austin A30 and A40 Somerset in 1953. Of the A30’s Cruising Speeds, he said “in built up areas the car can be cruised at 28-30 mph with sufficient power available to deal with most situations, other than steep hills. On the country highway, the car cruises delightfully at 50-55 mph. At this speed the engine is quiet, very little throttle is necessary and the car sits on the road firmly.” In 1954, he wrote in another test of the A30; “The car cruises comfortably at 55 mph…” Of the A40, he wrote “On an open highway of almost any type, the Somerset cruises comfortably and safely at 60 mph. For the quiet jaunt, a speed of 25-30 mph will yield ample response to deal with hills and traffic.” SC - I've just had a quick glance at Sturt Griffith's Road Test magazine which includes the FC Holden and there were a few items he found wanting about the car.