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Published on 26 July 2017

Yes, Dr John, I have a copy of that book. it is a wonderful reference source with some great yarns. And SkylarkCustom, a good point about the Corvair. Like the Riviera, it is a Ned Nickles design. My take on the Elwood Engel's Lincoln Continental is that it's "sheer" styling language informed later Lincolns and some Mercurys but not the general Ford range of cars. It set a high standard but lines of the Riviera were already in place before the Lincoln appeared. So I think it is a case of both Mitchell and Engel independently envisioning a similar styling direction. And Engel would go on to re-use the Lincoln design at Chrysler until well into the early 1970s. While looking at the Riviera's influence, I also like the correlation between the 1963 Pontiacs, the 1965 Ford and the 1965 Plymouth Fury. I read somewhere once that GM stylists joked that the 1965 Ford was the box the 1963 Pontiac came in.