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Published on 03 January 2022

Thanks Hasbeen. The same mate who had the Herald convertible took the left hander coming off the Breakfast Creek Bridge at a ridiculous speed that would have seen same model in Holdens end up on their roof. In the car following him we could see the inside rear tyre tuck in, but I defy any similar 4-pot English Car except Lotus to attempt the same (silly and very naughty) cornering speed without flipping. The only 4-cyl engine my Dad and I would have preferred to have was the free revving Anglia, and later on the Mk.1 Cortina which wasn't released when we had Heralds. People who had trouble with Heralds had often bought them 2nd hand and mistreated. We were lucky with 7 of our 8 being 2nd hand but reasonably maintained. The '61 Special' my old man bought brand New, he stipulated Monaco Blue with a Field Grey Slash which was a great car. Photo shows me posing in Dad's 1961 'Special' Croydon Street Petersham NSW. Number plates read "NSW-888" (gimme a break I was only 13 😄)