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Published on 15 December 2023

[quote D4Z8K363579A2F11]Did the V12 Lagonda get a mention?[/quote] No - the Lanchesters in this book are the very early ones. In his forward to the book his explanation is that he wrote about the cars with which he had personal experience and also the ones that fascinated him. He said he had room for 25 cars - so as he said; "I should have liked to have written about the early Renaults, Napier, Panhard, Cadillac, the Model T Ford, the White and Stanley Steamers, Locomobile, Lozier, Delahaye; I even wanted to include that great American automobile, the Welch, mostly because I've lived with one for many years and intimately know its foibles, its virtues, and its odd felicities of design. (Sounds like my Austin 1800!) And even including all of these I would have neglected some great makes."