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Published on 24 January 2020

gilmc: Wow! what a great start for your grandson in less than 6 years time. My first car was a '63 Ford Anglia 105E which I bought in 1968. Boy was I proud of that car and went to all the big 3 day (UK) music festivals in it. Sadly it only lasted another two years when it died from the effects of winter road salt which first raised its ugly head when my mate put his feet through the floor into the wheel-arch. To this day I swear the engine was bullet-proof but not so with the bodywork. The happy ending came when we all arrived here in Australia as a family in 1970 and I wisely bought myself a beaut little Toyota Corolla. In case you guys are beginning to think I'm starting to ramble on, this is just another reminder of how we all get started. Then fifty years later we can say "the rest was history".