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Published on 11 January 2018

Here's a catch up reply to all the recent contributions; BentleyT: what special features did the HD have ? SkylarkCustom: Thanks for reminding me about that photoshopped Opel/HR image (expertly done , actually). It caused quite a flurry of online activity when it first emerged. I've attached Opel publicity photos of the car, a 1967 Commodore coupe.Very Monaro-esque, which is not surprising as they both were developed at approximately the same time. Chev62: Yep, it is a shame that four door hardtops are no longer produced. The Japanese car makers also liked the design and Nissan were still producing them in the early 1990s. Here are a couple of images of the Cima and Bluebird four doors from 1990, plus a 1972 Cedric. I worked in NZ for a few years in the mid 90s and 4 door hardtops were everywhere there because they were cheap second hand imports.I almost bought one but decided on a 4 wheel steering Honda Prelude coupe instead.