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Published on 29 May 2018

[quote]Skylark, did you chat with the owner of the '67 Lark ? That would have been a nice surprise seeing it . . I'm not a fan of the pump-up Lowriders either, with their tiny wheel sizes, but can't deny they are an attention grabber, when you are cruisin' the 'hood' ............ -[/quote] Yes, had a brief chat. Here's some more, Futura in a yard at Winnemucka, Nevada, and some of the trucks at a dealer opposite our motel in Twin Falls. I've missed quite few roadside finds. One such was a Valiant ute, about a VE model. Dunno if he'd imported an Aussie one & converted it, or he'd made his own. I had a chuckle to myself about the poor driver of Budwiser truck, he was obviously new to the run ,or he'd never taken that laneway and bellied out. Off to Yellowstone tomorrow, and hopefully armed Marines won't stop me taking pics of aircraft ( that was yesterday)