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Published on 20 January 2021

[quote PLO7AU4ZA471D3BB]Excellent topic and love all the pics. I have the odd one or three but my go to were the large World Car books. I have the whole set going back to 1963 (thanks ebay). I received the 1979 edition new as a Christmas present.[/quote] Motown, mine start in 1969 and go through to the mid 1980s, and they are great for the summary of the world's automotive industry of the previous year; LJK Straight wrote some superb pieces about the scene in England. I've also got a few of these Auto-Universum year books. Great illustrations, advertisements and road tests of some cars, but only brief specifications in four languages for each car. Always good while you're listening to "Your call is important to us, you will be connected as soon as one of our operators is free......"