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Published on 07 September 2017

PonyRider, you are absolutely correct. Retroautos is FREE. The ONLY place you will find the magazine is here on Shannons Club. I only publish a digital version. It is accessible anytime, from anywhere in the world. That said, the first three editions, way back in 2010,were in print, however the cost of production was so high, that digital was the best option if I wanted to continue to produce the magazine and include the content I know the readers enjoy. Indeed, content is what Retroautos is all about: informative, insightful and entertaining. Shannons continue to be most generous with their help and in providing the digital platform on which I publish with passion and with pride. Also generous are those car owners who willingly set aside the time for me to chat about their cars and take the photos for the stories that appear in the magazine. The folks at Ford and GM, who search their prototype files for those special images, are similarly generous. And here I am at the GM Heritage Centre, standing next to one of the greatest concept cars of recent years, the Cadillac 16. Yes, I know, its a tough job being a classic cars' magazine editor, but someone has to do it!