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Published on 09 January 2018

Lingus, thanks for the contribution. You have highlighted the ongoing discussion about the difference between a two door sedan and a coupe. I'm sure everyone has an opinion about it, which is why it is such a wonderful discussion topic. My personal preference is to view all two doors as coupes. I've always considered the HB Vivas to be a coupe first and that was later developed into a four door sedan. I see the LC and LJ Toranas in a similar way. I reckon that Ford did the same thing with the Maverick. They started with a coupe and converted it into a four door. The Viva/Torana story you referenced is in the November 2016 edition of Retroautos, which is on the Shannons Club site, and yes, Leo did draw the Viva while Bill Mitchell and Vauxhall design boss, David Jones, went out for a long lunch. You also mentioned four door hardtops. They are my all time favourite body style.And the '65 Pontiac is a great example.