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Published on 24 June 2017

Yes, you're right about it being not very fast, morgul. My first thought with this post was just to mention the Magnette which had 60 horsepower to the 4/44's 46 and, of course, the ZB (as well as optional Vario-Tone two-toning) got 68. But the Wolseley is the more subtle candidate and I love the enthusiasm of that AUTOCAR tester. The opening sentence is: 'Occasionally, the experienced journalistic tester of cars gets more than he bargained for - in a favourable sense.' Later we read: 'The engine remains smooth and happy up to practically the maximum, and for miles at a stretch, over exceptional roads during an all-night run, the speed was held at 60-65 mph true speed. A natural cruising rate is 60 mph, but under give-and-take conditions readings of 78-80 were seen on the reasonably restrained speedometer.' This seems to me like an utterly English review of an utterly English car.