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Published on 30 November 2019

Hey thanks for that Link AAACV8, it sure got my attention ! I loved these two paragraphs in particular: It's not clear how much power a battery-powered 'Stang would deliver, but if the Ford Mustang Lithium is any indication, it'll have more muscle than an early 90s Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Ford Mustang Lithium concept pumps out an insane 900hp (671kW) and 1356Nm of torque – enough mumbo to ensure the prototype flays its rear tyres with ease. 1356 nm of Torque ? You would have to have a good grip on the steering wheel, or risk being pushed back into your seat ! As a comparison, my Mechanic's 2017 GT Mustang (before he sold it) had a Supercharger and Intercooler (he fitted) which came up to 925 NM on the Dyno ! 1356nm ? Wow..........