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Published on 18 December 2023

If ever an engineer totally ignored marketing and everything to do with styling, it was Alec Issigonis, creator of the Mini, 1100/1300, 1800 and Maxi. Difficult enough to work with when sorting all the problems of how to make the Mini work, and then the nightmare of producing the thing, the last thing he had in mind were the people who had to sell his creations. "If a car is good enough, it doesn't need advertising". Volumes have been written about this eccentric man with some great stories of his retorts to anyone who presented him with a problem. When criticised that the radio in the Mini was too hard to reach, he just said that he thought radios were a distraction and shouldn't be in the car in the first place. On why some aspects of the Mini were unsafe, he retorted that if people drove a car with sharp knives pointing at them, then they certainly would drive safely. He was told that the dashboard of the 1800 reminded women of a washing machine control panel, he said that he didn't think women should be driving his cars. So, his Mini and 1100 were an absolute sales success, if not financially, but it was up to the marketing department to make the most of it.