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Published on 11 August 2018

Mark, the red SP that the Geoghegans' drove does still survive, and is in northern NSW currently being restored. The black one that they drove was believed to have been wrecked. The ex Jim Abbott, Max B car is also currently being restored in Sydney. It was raced by a number of people and held a number of records It also competed in hill climbs and held numerous wins and records. There were two Federal Police cars and both also still exist, one registered and driving around Queensland and the other in pieces in NSW. There were 64 original dealer delivery SP's for Australia, and there are now some 114 SP's known to have been in Australia. As you mentioned Leo maintained that there was no problem with the SP and that the door only opened due to a problem with the latch, in discussions with him it was in fact the bolts had come loose. The Bathurst car was originally to be off loaded from the ship in Sydney, however it was off loaded in Melbourne so that it could be driven to NSW so that it was run in for the race. With any luck there is a picture attached of Leo at Eastern Creek from a few years ago sitting in the passenger seat of an SP, about to do a parade lap with some of the other cars that he and his brother raced.