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Published on 13 October 2017

[quote]Where abouts do you plant yourself up there Lark... there was a few times when Rusty was in the crowd... there was 2 guys with blue hair one time, I freeze framed a few times and looked for you LOL... where do you sit? Near the elbow?[/quote] We camp and watch at Mc Philliamy. Our 'corporate box' is just downstream of the 3 stone columns that support the Mc Philliamy Pk sign. There was a red Holden Flag in front of me, and I'm in the front row. As you see, we camp in some comfort. Stove, carpet, hot water, projector TV, multiple fridges and eskies, hooded BBQs, and 240 V power. On the way there I spotted a Chevrolet club rally, so I pulled over for a look. A nice bonus to break up the trip!