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Published on 16 August 2020

The 1947-51 Pilot was a marriage of the pre-war Ford V8 22 chassis and body with the 30 hp V8. The 22 horse power car was a gutless affair, and it was initially planned to put it in the up-graded Pilot, but the 3.6 litre 30 hp made more sense, particularly in Australia, and the old horse-power tax in Britain had gone by 1947. A touch of restyling included a more imposing traditional grille along with an extended boot which enclosed the spare. I was surprised to discover the Pilot was more expensive than the Ford V8 Custom in this country - according to Motor Manual, the Pilot was £1081 compared with £940 for the Custom in August 1949. The Pilot was probably fully imported, whereas the Custom (or Single-Spinner) was assembled here from Canadian bits with about an 80% local content. I would imagine the Pilot was seen a stop-gap until the Zephyr came on stream. The 22 brochure is dated 1937 and the Pilot is one of the beautiful renderings done by Douglas Hormann.