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Published on 25 August 2020

[quote J9UR28V5113Q93ZD]The most practical accessory I ever bought was a perspex windscreen protector. [/quote] Some kind soul loaned me a windscreen protector when I took the Freeway to Perth and back. It was a genuine item and fitted perfectly, as long as you had bungee straps as extra tie downs. Trouble was, the previous owner had used the wipers on it which had scratched the perspex. Driving into the sun was was a nightmare, and also at night with oncoming headlights. I had a wire mesh screen which you bolted at the back of the bonnet so it protected the screen against flying stones. I had it on my EJ Holden and it was fine until I ran into clouds of grass-hoppers. The bodies with the wings stayed on the wire mesh while the guts spattered through to the glass. That was one trip I'd rather forget as it was a really hot summer's day and not only did the screen need cleaning every few miles, the radiator did too.