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Published on 09 September 2021

Some of the more interesting Super Snipe ads over the years. Included is a 1938 Humber set in the Colonial era in India. It was a world fast disappearing into the sunset of the raj and viceroys along with polo matches and places called Ceylon, Burma, the Dutch East Indies and British Malaya. They were at it again after the war with men in pith helmets being chauffeured down to the docks surrounded by palm trees. By the time of the 1953 Coronation, the artist has caught the importance of the man driving a Super Snipe past Devonshire House – the Home of Rootes in Piccadilly in London. Meanwhile, the Australians promoted the Super Snipe not as a status object, but one which would handle the Outback as well as around town. The driver is still in a collar and tie but most of the wealthy graziers did in those days.