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Published on 10 November 2020

Like JonP01, I often go over old magazines - some used to give actual measurements on those little diagrams, and you can tell even with the 48/215 Holden and its contemporary Mark 1 Zephyr - they started to move the passengers between the axles instead of having them near the rear axle. This meant cars started to become lower, and in the case of the Zephyr a little more cramped. An even bigger quantum leap for me is the difference between BMC's Farina's and the 1800; both 5 passenger sedans. The wheelbase is longer, and there is slightly more headroom in the 1800. As Muz points out, driving the Freeway is like sitting on a kitchen chair, whereas the seats in the 1800 are much lower. Getting in and out of the Freeway is a breeze compared with the 1800 and my VF Commodore. Dis anyone ever take any notice of the measurements in the back of every BMC brochure? Most British manufacturers included them, but they were rarely in any Holden, Falcon or Valiant literature.