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R.I.P Veloxity Velox Tudor

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Published on 20 January 2015

At 01:30am on Monday 19 January 2015, the road transport semi carrying my hotrod from Brisbane to Cairns was involved in a single vehicle roll-over traffic crash between Townsville and Ingham. The truck veered off the road and rolled over in bushland. My hotrod which was secured to the top deck of the transport, was totalled and is now a wreck sitting in a tow yard in Townsville. I am speechless.

This car named 'Veloxity' was a one of a kind vehicle which proved you don't have to have a mainstream Ford of Chev to compete in the hot rod world. It last competed at Side Show Alley in Cairns in October 2014, taking out Best Body; Top Ten and 3rd place Best of Breed. Over the life of the car, it won in excess of 35 awards and trophies. It was unique; well engineered; a pleasure to drive and an absolute crowd pleaser + head turner. There will never be anything like it again. Veloxity was a member of the family and will not be forgotten. R.I.P.