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Thunderblokes are go

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Published on 03 September 2018

Thunderblokes are Go...


This is a bit of a fun story about the people that is about raising money for charity. The Truck started out as a regular Dodge truck until I got my hands on it and it became the space shuttle in white. To go with that he guys had all matching outfits to go with the gig and had a blast. The cars for the charity run need to be over a certain age to qualify for the event but the more out there the better. The roadworthy side of things I am not sure about that but all the work to make it safe was all there. It was needed for transport and a bit of a place to sleep as well.

The second reicarnation of the truck was "thunderblokes" as Martin the signwriter said thunderbirds might be good somewhere else but you look like blokes to me. The guys agreed it would be blokes and everthing came together. The white was swapped out for a new yellow colour and graphics for a new look. New sections were added to get the thunderbirds look in a manish kind of way. I think Blokes World should take a look as well?


Prototypes Plus Engineering Pty Ltd.

Factory 4 / 22-24 tova drive Carrum Downs, Vic 3201

phone 03 9775 0566