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Museum Workshop exhibtition opening soon

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Published on 18 October 2012

Time flies when you’re really busy. The Museum’s conservators are working hard at our Mitchell location preparing the Royal Daimler for the Museum Workshop exhibition that opens on 25 October 2012.

Museum Workshop: The Art, Science and Craft of the Conservator will be a dynamic exhibition where visitors can meet our conservators and experience the work behind the scenes as they observe, discuss and participate in the process of museum conservation.

The Royal Daimler will feature in the exhibition and our conservation team is working out the logistics. There is more cleaning to do. (I had an interesting conversation with one of our volunteers, Ken, who believes there may be another rats nest to deal with.) And safety is a critical issue – determining the best way to move the vehicle from the work space into an exhibition display space has raised some challenges.

You can look forward to seeing this spectacular vehicle being dismantled by our conservators within the Museum Workshop exhibition space (we’ll post the dates on this blog).