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My Rebirth of the Last 1977 Porsche 930.

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Published on 02 November 2014

Since the time i bought my first 911 i fell in love with the Porsche Marquee, It was a 1977 Carrera 3 Targa a rare car by todays standards which i regretfully sold when my direction changed. Many cars and ten years later i went back to Porsche with a 1984 Carrera Targa which funningly enough had very little difference in driving and looks from my first. Then another ten years and at 48 yrs old (2 years old) i saw an ad in the paper for An Australian Hamiltons Delivered Porsche 1977 930 Turbo. I didnt inspect the car hardly at all as all i was interested in at the time was the matching numbers, which it had and that it was an original RHD which it was, so for a song i bought it at less than a price of a secondhand holden, It was so cheap because a previous owner converted the car to a cabriolet and no one wanted it so my first thought was to get it home and learn and find out how to convert it back to a Factory Hardtop, That was two years ago and ive been wiring, painting and restoring her back to how nature (and the Factory) intended, a Ball Busting world class Supercar. the reason i called this story a barnfind is upon researching the cars history with VIN and books and COA ive found that this car was the very Last 1977 3.0 litre car made for the rest of World Markets and only one of 22 Factory Cars built for Australia,. An extremely Historical Car because the 930 1977 was the only year with a 1.5 Bar boost Guage built into the dash,Also at the very end of 77 the intercooler was introduced (i dont know of any other 1977 930's in Australia to have one. when  A very light car before power steering and other mod cons in factory trim about 300hp. She smells when you start her up and growls and spits and carries on like all the early cars equipped with (who cares about petrol) Bosch Mechanical injection:) When i got it i took out the Heavy Aircon system first and stored it in a bag. then i went to work stripping her down and removing the cab roof and associated bits. through all this ive learnt to weld, wire and paint, the interior ill leave to a professional upholsterer. Under the car i stripped it back and inspected and found to my amazement even after 38 years there was no rust and the whole car was like this, even the Headers are the original ones from the factory and have survived , not only that but there has been no damage to panels, i know this because i have photographed every panel in its bare form before painting and they are as true as the day they were hand beaten and left the factory. Underneath i coated her in Chassis Paint and rubber Compound, Near engine and exhaust i painted with Ceramic Based Paints, and recently have been stripping her bare and laying basecoat on all panels that arent in direct contact with the roof i have yet to weld on.. There is still a long way to go but im enjoying every step of it, one day she will be on the road doing what she does best, and i cant Wait !! :)