Antique and Classic Motor Club

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45 Members


The Antique and Classic Motor Club was founded in 1959 by a small and dedicated group of car enthusiasts aware of the dramatic change in the motor industry and of the importance of preserving the surviving early examples of vehicles. Not only was it deemed vital to save these vehicles for the historic value but it was important that they survive in a roadworthy condition. Membership is open to all who are interested in any of the vehicles that fit into one of these categories; Veteran up to 1919, Vintage up to 1931 and all Classic vehicle that are eligible under the RMS,s 30 year cut off date. Enthusiasts are afforded the opportunity to belong to a club not limited by make, type or year of manufacture. We are a social club with monthly meetings and most of our events involve a nice cruise through some of the best city and country rounds that Sydney has to offer, with a morning tea stop and a picnic or a sit down pub/club lunch. We are not a racing club or a concourse club, We are lovers of old cars that enjoy spending time with fellow enthusiasts. Membership is open to enthusiasts of all ages


Existing Member

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