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Published on 26 March 2024

[quote UFQ76X555CTUABA7]The funnest fact about them was that they were re-badged by Chrysler in the US as the Dodge Challenger, somewhat of a comedown from the classic V8 powered coupe of the early 1970s.[/quote] When they were introduced on the Australian market, they were known as the Chrysler Sigma Scorpion, before morphing into the Mitsubishi Scorpion 2.6. The Americans sold it as a Plymouth Sapporo as well as the Dodge Challenger. The Euros hedged their bets and called it a Mitsubishi Galant Sapporo. One thing we didn't see was the outrageous interiors in bright plaid material, rather like the same material worn by American men on the golf course in the '70s.