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Published on 01 February 2024

I guess my first car I ever owned caused the most excitement; a 1929 Essex Super Six Challenger Tourer. It came as a Christmas present that I shared with my older brother, and our parents paid about £5 for it in 1958. At 13, I learnt a fair bit about keeping an old car going, and living on a farm, it was never (well, hardly ever) driven on the roads. On reflection, it was a 29 year old car, considered really old at the time. All four of my cars are much older than 30 years, two of them twice that age and can pretty well keep up with modern day cars - the Essex was flat-out at a bit over 60 mph in its day before the bearings would let go. After the Essex we both declared we'd never have a car with a magneto or split rims, and we've been pretty true to that ever since.