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Man and Machine Magazine

Lang lang, VIC
Man and Machine Magazine! The car enthusiast publication you've all been waiting for!

Man and Machine Magazines primary theme is Australian and American Muscle Cars, Classics and More. With a heavy focus on the iconic 50’s, 60’s and 70’s period it provides a truly memorable experience to a demographic that still loves to read and collect a good book. With an experienced and passionate production team we believe we've raised the bar when it comes to automotive enthusiast publications for our chosen theme.

Editor Glenn Everitt: ‘I had a vision, to create the magazine I've always wanted to read, a magazine where every page is worthy of my time from back to front. As a die-hard lifelong car enthusiast, I'm so excited to be a part of the magic we are creating. The amazing team we’ve assembled ensures Man and Machine Magazine will be the very best it can be.
We've secured some of the best Photographers, Writers and Art directors in the business. With spectacular images, stories and history we’re confident this magazine will keep readers coming back for more’.

Be sure to grab a copy from your local newsagents Australia Wide or purchase/subscribe right here via our online store.

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