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Published on 08 November 2021

I also remember how strong branding was back then (early 1970s). If you walked into a BP service station there was always a tidy and well-stocked BP Shop with all kinds of automotive-related products, all proudly displaying the BP logo. My dad often bought a large plastic container of BP Comprox, which was a general household detergent that proved very effective at cleaning just about anything. I also remember BP Zoom, which was an oil-petrol pre-mix for two stroke engines endorsed by Victa for use in its enormously popular lawnmowers. That was a big deal at the time. As Allan Moffat's fuel supplier, BP used him to promote BP Zoom in numerous adverts. Didn't hurt that Moff also raced a Mustang and Victa had a Mustang model in its lawnmower range!