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Published on 29 October 2019

Yes took them yesterday John. It has been dreadful, with just 30 mm of rain total through July, August & September, but then we got another 29mm over 6 days in the middle of this month. The track is on black soil river flat which holds the moisture well, & has produced this flush of grass. Higher up the sandy loam is already drying, & at the house paddock at the highest part of place it is already drying & brown. Fortunately my only stock is one horse, as it has taken about 14 acres to keep him fed, with a little added lucerne. My back boundary is the Albert river. I have an irrigation & water harvesting license. Although both stopped a few months ago, I am entitled to pump stock & garden water while the river still runs. The river is just a trickle so I have a 12 volt submersible bore pump pumping about a gallon a minute for this. See the solar panels driving the pump by the track below.