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Published on 18 April 2019

Dr John Of your selections I think the Jag is the pick for future growth followed by the 928 which is a great car and has been talked up for quite a while now. Personally, I think some discipline is needed to warm towards a Citroen but many here will choose the SM. It is certainly unique and may well launch price wise as you say. If, however, I could nominate a car other than those you mention, my vote goes to the gorgeous Maserati 3200 GT. I notice that you can acquire one of these beauties with about $30k upwards. Criminally undervalued I suggest and perhaps a little youthful to be a classic but surely their day will come. A bit hairy to drive (Twin Turbo 3.2 V8) but pretty and interesting with the best tail lights you have ever seen! As is usually the case with a Maser, the interior is also sublime. Cheers Steve